学段:大学  学科:文学  发布:2022-05-06  ★★★收藏章节〗〖手机版

"No," said she; "we do not keep a servant."

"Can you tell me where I could get employment of any kind?" I continued. "I am a stranger,without acquaintance in this place. I want some work: no matter what."

But it was not her business to think for me,or to seek a place for me: besides,in her eyes,how doubtful must have appeared my character,position,tale. She shook her head,she "was sorry she could give me no information," and the white door closed,quite gently and civilly: but it shut me out. If she had held it open a little longer,I believe I should have begged a piece of bread; for I was now brought low.

I could not bear to return to the sordid village,where,besides,no prospect of aid was visible. I should have longed rather to deviate to a wood I saw not far off,which appeared in its thick shade to offer inviting shelter; but I was so sick,so weak,so gnawed with nature"s cravings,instinct kept me roaming round abodes where there was a chance of food. Solitude would be no solitude- rest no rest- while the vulture,hunger,thus sank beak and talons in my side.

I drew near houses; I left them,and came back again,and again I wandered away: always repelled by the consciousness of having no claim to ask- no right to expect interest in my isolated lot. Meantime,the afternoon advanced,while I thus wandered about like a lost and starving dog. In crossing a field,I saw the church spire before me: I hastened towards it. Near the churchyard,and in the middle of a garden,stood a well-built though small house,which I had no doubt was the parsonage. I remembered that strangers who arrive at a place where they have no friends,and who want employment,sometimes apply to the clergyman for introduction and aid. It is the clergyman"s function to help- at least with advice- those who wished to help themselves. I seemed to have something like a right to seek counsel here. Renewing then my courage,and gathering my feeble remains of strength,I pushed on. I reached the house,and knocked at the kitchen-door. An old woman opened: I asked was this the parsonage?
