学段:大学  学科:文学  发布:2022-05-06  ★★★收藏章节〗〖手机版

"Listen,Diana," said one of the absorbed students; "Franz and old Daniel are together in the night-time,and Franz is telling a dream from which he has awakened in terror- listen!" And in a low voice she read something,of which not one word was intelligible to me; for it was in an unknown tongue- neither French nor Latin. Whether it were Greek or German I could not tell.

"That is strong," she said,when she had finished: "I relish it."

The other girl,who had lifted her head to listen to her sister,repeated,while she gazed at the fire,a line of what had been read.

At a later day,I knew the language and the book; therefore,I will here quote the line: though,when I first heard it,it was only like a stroke on sounding brass to me- conveying no meaning:-