学段:大学  学科:文学  发布:2022-05-06  ★★★收藏章节〗〖手机版

The feeling was not like an electric shock,but it was quite as sharp,as strange,as startling: it acted on my senses as if their utmost activity hitherto had been but torpor,from which they were now summoned and forced to wake. They rose expectant: eye and ear waited while the flesh quivered on my bones.

"What have you heard? What do you see?" asked St. John. I saw nothing,but I heard a voice somewhere cry-

"Jane! Jane! Jane!"- nothing more.

"O God! what is it?" I gasped.

I might have said,"Where is it?" for it did not seem in the room- nor in the house- nor in the garden; it did not e out of the air- nor from under the earth- nor from overhead. I had heard it- where,or whence,for ever impossible to know! And it was the voice of a human being- a known,loved,well-remembered voice- that of Edward Fairfax Rochester; and it spoke in pain and woe,wildly,eerily,urgently.

"I am ing!" I cried. "Wait for me! Oh,I will e!" I flew to the door and looked into the passage: it was dark. I ran out into the garden: it was void.

"Where are you?" I exclaimed.

The hills beyond Marsh Glen sent the answer faintly back- "Where are you?" I listened. The wind sighed low in the firs: all was moorland loneliness and midnight hush.

"Down superstition!" I mented,as that spectre rose up black by the black yew at the gate. "This is not thy deception,nor thy witchcraft: it is the work of nature. She was roused,and did- no miracle- but her best."